Friday, September 22, 2006


Carpal tunnel. It's catching up to me. Small wonder considering I started abusing my hands and wrists early in life. Around fifth grade I started writing and those were the days before I knew even how to type. In 7th or 8th grade I spent most of my summer visiting with my grandparents and writing fan-fiction. Then in Germany and college, before Internet, writing letters. Long letters. 25-30 page letters, longhand.

Then the typewriter, then data entry, then my computer and the computer at work and over 700 blog posts, 20 short stories, two novellas, countless poems and more letters and e-mails, cross-stitch, painting, drawing, 9 years as a paralegal, pregnancy, a car accident, working in the shop, and now beading, yeah, I'm feelin' it.

Change of seasons always gets me anyway. I'm still coughing, I have a bad left knee, bad right ankle, and my shoulders have never been the same since my car accident. Right now, my body is saying, stop- stop - stop - stop... no more! My neck cracks when I roll it. But my mind keeps clicking along and when it clicks my hands move.

It is the way things are. Hot shower, nap, I'll be right as rain. (Oh, the rain, it makes my injuries ache.) LOL!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old age, dude! I have the same pains and cracks! ;)

12:50 PM  

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